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Welcome to your gateway for accessing financial resources in Türkiye for your venture. This platform is designed to help you discover available investment opportunities and develop a successful funding strategy.
Cenk Bayrakdar Avatar
Türkiye has changed drastically. Previously, we were just a group of venture capitalists doing business together. Now there are 43 more European-based venture capital firms and almost 344 Turkish VC firms, such as GSFA and GSYF. There are so many VCs and a lot of dry powder in the market.
Cenk Bayrakdar
Revo Capital Founding Partner & Managing Director
Apple Podcast
Ali Karabey Avatar
We believe the Turkish market is a great test market. It has many large and small players of different sizes and industries to test a product, but it is not big enough to turn a company into a global success story. That is why we urge startups to test their products and teams and go global as soon as possible. This is the reason we exist.
Ali Karabey
212 VC-Founding Partner & Managing Director
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Dilek Dayınlarlı Avatar
Our talent base is definitely our greatest strength, both within Türkiye and among our diaspora around the world. Here in Türkiye, we have one of the fastest-growing engineering talent pools.
Dilek Dayınlarlı
ScaleX Ventures-Founder & Managing Partner
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Enis Hulli Avatar
I am more focused on finding the right people who can position me in the right tailwinds, rather than trying to identify those tailwinds myself. My priority is to connect with the best people who can help make that happen.
Enis Hulli
e2vc-General Partner
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Murat Onuk Avatar
Now there are more eager investors to invest in, especially in venture capital, alongside us, and we have made partnership agreements with esteemed organizations such as Teknopark Istanbul and Bilişim Vadisi, which are technoparks in Türkiye. This is why we have been more active in the venture capital area in the last year.
Murat Onuk
Managing Partner at Arz Portföy
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Altan Küçükçınar Avatar
Deep-tech opportunities are those businesses whose competitive edge stems from technological superiority. Almost every business opportunity today is related to technology. But what sets deep-tech apart is that these opportunities must derive their competitive edge from technological superiority.
Altan Küçükçınar
Diffusion Capital Partners (DCP)- Partner
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Ahu Serter Avatar
In terms of outcomes, out of the seven unicorns from Türkiye, four are led by female founders. The success rate is quite high. If we achieved these results despite limited access to capital for female entrepreneurs, imagine what we could accomplish with more capital.
Ahu Serter
Arya Women Investment Platform and Fark Labs-Founder
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Barış Özistek Avatar
Türkiye stands as one of the most powerful development ecosystems in the world for mobile gaming. I can confidently say that we rank among the top five in terms of the number of game developers and talented people in this field.
Barış Özistek
Boğaziçi Ventures-Managing Partner
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Şafak Müderrisgil Avatar
You have to find new ways, new instruments to change mindsets, and that requires a new paradigm. Impact investing or sustainable finance introduces that new paradigm.
Şafak Müderrisgil
EYDK Executive Board Chair
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Barış Öney Avatar
Türkiye is a fascinating country with millions of companies. Every year, thousands of new ventures emerge and become investable. We continuously generate new initiatives across every sector, providing investors with a diverse range of options.
Barış Öney
GlobalTurk Capital-Founder and Managing Partner
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Egem Eraslan Avatar
Our goal is not to be an exchange, but to focus on interoperability, acting as a bridge between traditional finance and decentralized finance.
Egem Eraslan
CEO of Midas
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Ata Uzunhasan Avatar
If you come to Türkiye, you will find that Turkish startups are among the most resilient worldwide. The economy poses challenges, competition is intense, and accessing capital is not easy at all. Despite the increasing number of venture capitalists entering the scene, we still lack sufficient capital at present. Therefore, entrepreneurs truly understand the value of every dollar.
Ata Uzunhasan
Galata Business Angels-Managing Director
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